Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Who's on First?

I started another blog before this one. I thought that I would write little vignettes of general interest. I tried my hand at it. Larry Copeland put it best when he said, "Who wrote this stupid stuff?"

Larry, who now goes by the name, Larry, came to our house last week for a visit; for the first time in forty years. I said, "How've you been?" He said, "How long've you got?" Just like old times.

Betty thought it was confusing, having two people called Larry; so we decided, since Larry is taller than I am, that he would be called "Big Larry" and I would be called "Little Larry."

1 comment:

Larry Blumen said...

I hear you, pal,
But let’s not quibble,
Over whether being big
Is better than being little.