Friday, June 15, 2007

When We Was Fab

A note from Alice Ann, today, reminds the Stokesians among us that the big deal is about a week away. If the Stokes contingent is representative of what's going on this time, then there's a lot going on - more than the last two times put together. And those last two times were no slouch, either.

There is a great anticipation, this time - that's what's different. I'm looking forward to this more than I did the last times. I imagine the thing - it's like the song: "I'm going to go 'round, shaking everybody's hand." People I thought I'd never see again.

If I were a crying man, I'd be gearing up about now. I'd be hearing bagpipes in the distance. I'd be thinking about being able to publish nonsense in the United States of America and get away with it. I'd be thinking about Johnny Wilson's Civil War, and Bill Daniel's bullies, and Rick Drewry's Uncle Dean and Tandy, and Caleb Wallwork's amazing data-driven history, and Edward Lyman's Cadillac and Copeland's fancy Texas boots...

We're going to have a good time. We're going to make all them other classes wish they was us.

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