Peggy Sue Lauderdale got a prize that night - for being the most, the longest, the farthest, I don't remember. I don't remember what the prize was, either, but she came down front and I presented it to her. She whispered to me, "You've got people on the floor, back there. They're in pain." I took the microphone and said, "Is Doctor John in the house?" Nobody laughed. Except Peggy.
Her name didn't go with her face, but we didn't know that back then. We thought it did. Aristocratic, to the family born, but without pretension. I always wondered what it must have been like to go through high school with your name in a popular song. I mean, "Oh, Lauderdale" was just about my favorite record, back then.
OK, I finally found the blog. I remember the night (20th reunion)--the award was the "love award" for organizing the tennis tournament we had that weekend. You were the funniest!! You and Susan should do a duet next time. We would REALLY be in pain (because we are already most of the time). Btw, my middle name was Wade (as in Alex)
Peggy, I was just getting ready to send you the address and then I saw your note. I'm moving you from the novice list to the status of Master Googler.
I'm glad you remember saying that because I hope to get across that there is a basis in truth in all this stuff, no matter how ridiculous I make things sound, sometimes.
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